Data Processing Process


Steps Of Data Processing

Data collection

First Step in Data Processing is Data Collection from different Sources it can be from archive records, Scanned records or it can be an online data. The data source needs to be authentic to assure the data quality

Data preparation

Once the data is Collected it needs to be Cleaned,Organized in order to be processed. The data is than checked that there are no errors. Incomplete, redundant data can be removed

Data input

The data is now ready to be entered. Now this data starts taking shape of validated & Useful information


The data is processed its a Combination of many Processes, Validations, Quality Checks

Data output

The final output report is ready that can be referred by the Client for his important business decisions and information requirement

Data storage

The Data needs to be stored Securely and can be used by an organization at any point of time. The Data is securely loaded on Clients Secured Server/Drop box through FTP