Utility Services
Revolutionize the Utility Billing Management
Allied Global Consulting provides the best cloud based digitized solutions to utility service providers and helps to curb down the complex market challenges that our clients face. We offer varied services like data entry, ratio utility billing systems (or RUBS), data collection, data audit, utility bill audit, etc, resulting in advanced opportunities for utility service providers in innovation and critical thinking. We keep ourselves paced with the latest innovations in the highly digitized industry and offer technologies like Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), IoT, Master Data Management (MDM), data analytics, RPA and cloud while our clients get an opportunity to cope up with the ever increasing demand of utilities from consumers.
AGC provides the best technology driven services to our clients in every sector of the utilities industry like electric and gas utilities, renewable energy providers, water utilities, global energy corporations, telecommunication and wastewater treatment. A digitized approach to utility management helps the utility service providers in facing the real time challenges with context to the end consumers, like to drive predictive asset maintenance, customer self-service, bill shock prevention, real time water quality monitoring, etc.
We are completely aware of the surge in customer base and demand; hence we craft tailored solutions to meet the exact needs of utility service providers to deliver fast and quality services to the end consumers. AGC converts the raw data from our clients into meaningful asset that enhances business insights and opportunities.
Why us
Stop wasting time and money on technology. Let’s get started
Transform your technology by focusing on 3 key areas
Our banking expertise
NanoSoft is a joint venture between Linethemes and Themeforest. Our experts have deep knowledge about the complexities of the banking industry, and know how to deploy digital technology to transform banks’ operations.